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Our Executive

Meet our executive team

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Lindsey Schroeder
Email: Lschroeder @

I have been in the insurance industry for over 13 years now. I have held various roles in different organizations: at Canadian Direct Insurance I was a Sales Advisor and then Sales Supervisor, and at Portage Mutual Insurance I was an Auto & Property/Farm Underwriter and then the Broker Relationship Manager for Northern Alberta. I am now currently the Team Lead of Personal Lines at Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers, and this is a continual learning process for me.  I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Bachelor of Education Degree, CIP Designation, and am currently working towards my CRM Designation. I have been a part of the Edmonton Insurance Association for over 9 years. I was the Treasurer for 2 terms and am now in my seventh term as President. Being a part of the EIA has been a wonderful experience. It has allowed me to attend and help to plan numerous events as well as network with many people in the insurance industry. Some of the highlights of my experience have been the CAIW (Canadian Association of Insurance Women) conventions that I attended in Montreal, Halifax, Calgary & Edmonton, getting to know many incredible people that I would not have had the pleasure of meeting otherwise. I have greatly enjoyed my time with the EIA and look forward to many years to come.

Vice-President & Awards Chair

Cori Bohme
Email: cori.bohme @
Phone: 780 469 9378
Acera Insurance 

I have been working in the Insurance Industry since 1990 starting in the claims side of the Insurance Industry and moving into a broker role in 1999 where I managed a large brokerage.  In 2001 I started working with Trans West Insurance as an Office Manager and in 2002 was presented an opportunity to purchase my first Insurance Brokerage with Trans West Insurance. My First office opened in March 2002.  In 2006 we merged with another brokerage and became A-Win Insurance. 2007 brought another opportunity to purchase a second branch and in September 2007 I took over the handling of the branch in Fort Saskatchewan. For several years I attended educational and networking functions with The Edmonton Insurance Association and became a member in 2017.  I am looking forward to this new journey working with the Members of the Executive Team and help host new and exciting Educational and Networking Events.


Treasurer & Membership Chair

Amanda Vanberg
Email: avanberg @ 
Phone: 1-877-435-1484

I am one of those rare individuals who planned for a career in insurance. After growing up on the farm near Innisfree Alberta, I moved to Edmonton to take the Insurance and Risk Management program at MacEwan University straight out of high school. After completing that program I quickly finished her CIP and joined the insurance industry. Most of my more than 15 years in the business have been on the broker side. While working at local and national brokerages, I worked my way through a variety of roles. From starting in administration, I moved my way through account executive, group business, and provincial resource coordinator roles. In 2016 I decided to make a switch to the company side and started working in Business Development. I will be celebrating my fifth year with SGI CANADA  in the fall.

I am a lifelong learner and passionate about personal and professional development. Despite a busy family and a demanding role, I have been diligently completing my Commerce Degree. And in addition to all of this, I am a full time hockey mom and part time player. On most weekends, no matter what season, you will find me at the rink. Either playing on one of several teams I’m involved with, cheering my 13 year old son Reece on, or giving my husband Travis some coaching tips.

After attending the CAIW convention in 2019 in Calgary I knew that I needed to be more involved in the EIA.  Since then I have held the role as treasurer and now the membership chair with the Edmonton Insurance Association.


Nadia Subryan, FCIP, CRM
Email: nadia.subryan @

Phone: 905 285 8852

I have been in the insurance industry for 21 years.  Like many people, I fell into insurance because I have family in the industry.  I have kept my career interesting by doing different roles over the years, mainly in commercial insurance but I spent several years in personal lines as well.  I have worked as a Claims Adjuster, Claims Specialist, Claims Supervisor, Field Task Advisor, Account Manager and as an Instructor for the Insurance Institute of Northern Alberta.  I joined the Edmonton Insurance Association in 2022 to attend more events in the Edmonton insurance community because I mainly worked in home office roles.   The EIA events gave me a chance to make new connections that I would not have met through work.  I joined the EIA Executive team in 2024 as Secretary because I wanted to be part of EIA’s event planning. 

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Director and Past President

Candace M. Martin
Email: cmartin @
Phone: 780 423 3986
Peace Hills Insurance Company

Like many people in the insurance industry, I fell into it. I have been in insurance since 2008, with my
primary focus being on Personal and Commercial farm.
I am working towards my CIP designation, plan to have this completed in the next couple of years.
I have been part of the Edmonton Insurance Association since 2012 and am currently the Director. I
originally joined as a member to help with the planning of the 2012 Convention in Edmonton, and the
rest is history as they say. I held the Treasurer role for a few years, following with the President role,
and now the Director since 2019. Being a part of this association has truly helped me grow to the
person I am today. The support and mentorship I have had along the way has been amazing and
continues to be!
In 2021 I was elected for the position of Treasurer for the Canadian Association of Insurance Women,
and at the 2024 Convention held in Fredericton I was elected for the position of 1st Vice President.

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Education Chair

Michele Crawford BA, CIP
Email: mcrawford @
Phone: 780 784 4657
SGI CANADA Insurance Services Ltd.

I am originally from the Caribbean, I started out as a commercial lines broker in Jamaica and then moved into commercial lines underwriting. After moving to Canada, I then worked as a Saskatchewan auto adjuster before switching over to Commercial Auto and Cargo Claims for the Alberta region. Education is important to me and have earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Marketing, then completed the CIP 2016.  I also taught the Fraud Course at the Insurance Institute of Northern Alberta.
In my spare time I am passionate about health and wellness, “the friend who will take gym clothes and workout bands and sneakers on a vacation.”
I joined the EIA in 2022 and it has given me the opportunity to meet and network with a wonderful group of people who work in the insurance industry.


Food Bank Chair

Dawn Patton, BA, FCIP, CRM
Email: dpatton @
Phone: 780 784 4647

With over 20 years in the insurance industry focused solely on commercial auto underwriting, I currently hold the position of Commercial Auto Manager for the Alberta region at SGI CANADA. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree and hold the CIP, FCIP, and CRM designations. Since 2009, my involvement with the Edmonton Insurance Association has been pivotal to my professional growth, allowing me to forge valuable relationships, organize major events, chair meetings, and broaden my network across Canada. I served as local President for four years, then as Director, and was honored to be the National President of the Canadian Association of Insurance Women for the 2019-2020 term. I continue to support the association by chairing our Food Bank Event, serving on the advisory board, and contributing wherever needed. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, playing pickleball, and camping with my husband and dog in our motorhome.

Tracy Fata, BSc, FCIP, CRM
Retired   (The Portage Mutual Insurance Company)

I have been in the insurance industry since 1988. I have worked as a CSR, commercial, personal lines and farm underwriter. I have also held various management positions and am currently a regional underwriting manager with the Portage Mutual Insurance Company. I have been an active member of the Edmonton Insurance Association since 2005. I have held several executive positions with the EIA and I am currently the Membership Chairperson and Food Bank Drive Chairperson. I have also served on the board of the CAIW and I am a Past President of the CAIW. I was honored to receive the Insurance Woman of the Year award in 2019 from the CAIW. This association has provided many opportunities for networking with my fellow industry colleagues here in Edmonton and across Canada. Best Association ever! Just sayin’!

Donna Lee


Donna Lee Genge, CIP
Email: Dlgenge @

I began my insurance career in 1985 with a regional Alberta insurer.  I have worked as a Personal Lines underwriter, Marketing representative, Personal Lines Manager and on the broker side of insurance. I have been a member of the EIA since 1988, holding several positions with the EIA over the last 30 years. The association has made it possible for me to meet and network with all different areas of the insurance industry in Alberta  and across Canada and it has been truly a fantastic experience.

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